Gosh, there are just so many things to say. Hava Nashira 2009 was so overwhelming I am just now getting around to posting to the blog! For now, just some information and stuff. I'll get around to posting thoughts, reports, summaries, reactions, opinions, etc. over the next few days and weeks.
Items of note:
- Hava Nashira 2010 - June 2-6
- Jerry Kaye announced that the staff and faculty are discussing offering a second workshop during the year (at another time.) This one will likely focus more of just "those who like to sing" and less on the pedagogy. More news as things develop
- We're tweeting on Twitter as havanashira
- Website (www.havanashira.org) updates are underway. If you have new recordings or other stuff, be sure to get that information to me at adrian@ehavanashira.org Be sure to check obver your current listing (if you're listed.) Check the links page, the recordings page, and the songbooks page.
- We have a Facebook group. Look for "hanashir" (and not havanashira or hava nashira.)
- I'm looking for folks who are willing to review recordings to post to htis blog. Contact me adrian@ehavanashira.org
- Pictures are getting posted. Stay tuned.
That's all for now. More updates to follow soon.
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